Saturday, April 21, 2007

God doesn't do windows.....

and I am not exactly what you would call a Merry Maid. You read in the previous blog about all the cleaning we had to do. Well, while we were doing it this thought occurred to me. God brought us here and to this particular place but He is not going to do the things that physically we can do ourselves. He will give us the strength to do it but He will not do it for us. I can clean windows and I have to admit I wasn't very joyful while I did it. I wish I could say that I was because as a Christian we should give thanks in all things, but it did take me a while to get there. You see I do not think I have ever cleaned windows to have my towel come back gray on the inside of the house. But the view sure improved. Isn't that like our lives? We look through the dirty gray windows of our lives that only we can make a decision to let God help us clean. I am not talking cleaning ourselves up for God to accept us, but I do believe holiness comes when we do what we can do and leave the rest to God. When we have done all we know to do, we fall back into the arms of grace. You'll be amazed how your view will be improved.

1 comment:

jackiannie said...

Hey Christy!

Well I hope those spooky noises are gone for good. :)

I really needed to hear what you said about "holiness coming when we are doing what we can, and than leaving the rest to God." Thank you!

And yes, I find cleaning windows joyfully a bit difficult too. However, tonight, I sang that song "this little light of mine ... I'm gonna let it shine." (How mature of me - he/he), anyhow, I sang it over and over as I cleaned the kitchen!! And there were lots of dirty pots and pans to contend with, but I just sang and sang! And praised God!

Now I do realize "I'm gonna let it (my light) shine ..." is a song for a child to sing, BUT, sometimes I have to remind myself to let my light shine!!!! So, I love that song!!

Well, bye for now! Best wishes to you all!

God Bless,