Saturday, March 24, 2007

Tired of the Whining!

Whining! I get so much of that as a pastor and get so tired as I think, "can't you just trust God? Can't you get over yourself and your petty needs and just trust God to work it out?" Then I found myself asking God this morning, "what will we do about a place to live? How come we haven't any validation for our steps of faith? How will we live? Where will I work? Waaah waaaah waaaaaah!" God began to speak to my heart, "haven't you used the term 'great adventure' to describe your future?" 'yes', "what adventurer ever waited until they had a homestead before setting out? No, adventurers set out and trust me for their provision, don't sit around whining because they are scared, and are more excited about the possibilities than fearful of the realities!"

When I think of the sleepy little churches that I have seen in the past. I remember thinking, "this isn't the CHURCH! Where is the passion? Where is the fire?" It isn't about jumping people talking in tongues and falling out on the floor in giggling heaps either. I remember, as a new Christian, attending a singing groups concert with a friend at a Pentecostal church. There were people waving arms in the air, shouting in tongues and jumping around. And then there was my friend and I, quiet and reserved Nazarenes. But I had to admit (not being used to contemporary worship) I was overwhelmed in the midst of worship and just felt myself carried away in the spirit. Afterwards, one of the singers came up and introduced herself and chatted with us a minute. Then she said something that really surprised me, she said, "you know, I noticed you guys during the music and you were REALLY worshipping!" Since then I realized something about worship, its more than the show you can put on with shouts and ecstatic displays which has never been something I could conjure up. It's about a heart that really reaches out to touch the Spirit of the Living God and to submit to what the Spirit of God desire to put within you.

The same goes for those whom God has called out. It's more than just the show, the examples of provision and proof of God's power. It's a desire to be faithful, to walk in the Spirit and to do, even the very menial tasks God gives us with all our might! I do not know what lies ahead but I know who goes with me. If God has called me then he will enable me, with the gifts he has already given or with divine empowerment, to accomplish those things he has placed in my heart.


jackiannie said...

I am really enjoying reading these entries from both you and Christy! I find myself checking almost daily for something new! You are once again inspiring me. I am so thankful to God for being able to journey along with you guys!

I whine too, (more than I should sometimes) though, its never long (Praise God), before The Holy Spirit reminds me to "rest in Him." Oh, how awesome is it to know God is right there with us ... in it for the long haul! Amen!

Until next time.

God Bless,

jackiannie said...

Hey there! I sorta started my own little blog. Just for fun. Not sure where it's going or how to really do it all! Though it is http/www.serenityinchrist.blogspot. (I think anyway!!) LOL

God Bless,

p.s. still waiting to see more posts from you!

jackiannie said...

Or it may be https://www.jackiannie.blogspot.

LOL, I told you I don't know what I am doing! Anyhow, I plan on just writing about what comes to mind.

God Bless,