Thursday, May 24, 2007

He's God and He knows what He's doing

In my devotions last night in a book by Grace Fox called " 10-Minute Time Outs for Moms", I ran across this quote:

"Indeed we can trust God. He may not always provide as we might choose. He might make us wait longer than we would prefer. He might answer with unexpected means. Sometimes He allows us the privilege of walking through lean times to experience the joy of contentment with little. Whatever He does, it's His business- He's God, and He knows what He's doing. Our job is to trust."

Wow. Did you catch that? It's a privilege to go through hard times because it produces contentment and joy. I know this is sounding a lot like my last post but this is a lesson that keeps coming up in my life and my devotions. I starting thinking if we truly want to be Christ-like doesn't that mean going through some suffering? Our Lord was and is victorious but we cannot skip over the suffering He went through. If we are to truly identify with Jesus, we have to suffer. Now don't get me wrong, I cannot say I wish to suffer but maybe I should. Maybe I should worry more about my spiritual growth than my physical circumstances. There is something miraculous that happens when we look past our situation and focus on Christ and His wonderful grace bestowed upon us.

My prayer is that through this time of transition, God will work in my life more than He ever has. I have already realized some attitudes and thought patterns that need to be prayed out of my life. I do not think we let God reveals things to us when we are in the "land of plenty" but it takes getting into our "desert of isolation". We do not need God as much when things are going our way or we are comfortable in the body. But when we hit hard times where do we turn with fervor, to the One who loves us. It is in these times, God gently says "My child, here is what you are now, but I love you too much to let you keep on doing these things that keep you from seeing my power move in your heart and life. I want you to become what I have envisioned for you from the beginning of time. Keep seeking Me, and let Me show you that I am all you really ever needed. I am where you find true contentment and joy."

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