Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Me do it! Me do it!

As I was going through my daily ritual of killing ants in my daughter's room and now the hallway, I started thinking. Last week, I gave up. I said I am calling a professional to come and fight this problem because I cannot do it. It cost some money up front for them to come out. (they are coming tomorrow morning, praise the Lord!) I am usually very frugal when it comes to spending money so I have been feeling extremely guilty about paying someone. I keep telling myself- if only we tried harder or waited longer maybe we could have overcame it on our own. But I am so tired and weary that I just couldn't do it any longer.

Why do we feel guilty about not being self-sufficient? Why is it that we feel bad about asking for help or admitting that we cannot do it alone? How many times have we held back from sharing our inmost struggles because we wanted to overcome on our own? Why? So we could say "I did it all by myself"? When my children were toddlers they came to the point where they wanted to do things for themselves. If you tried to help as you watched them struggle, they would say "Me do it, me do it". Then, they would become frustrated and break down in tears. Do we act like toddlers sometimes when it comes to our community of faith? We need to bear one another's burdens. Let's not feel guilty for sharing our hearts with others. Lose the self sufficient attitude that says "I can do it alone". We need each other and we need to call upon the Professional to help us all. God does not want us to do it alone-He's there waiting for us to call upon Him.

Cast all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7

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